Appendix A. What Do All The MP3 Information Mean ?

myPod uses several sources for the information showed for each clip. First there are the technical information from the mp3 encoded file, like filename, MPEG Level. To provide more information the id3 tags stored with most mp3 files are examined. id3v1 as well as id3v2.3 tags are supported. The following table describes each piece of information. The description of the id3 tags was taken from the official id3v2.3 standard document, which can be found at

ID 3Tag



TALB - The 'Album/Movie/Show title' frame is intended for the title of the recording(/source of sound) which the audio in the file is taken from.


TPE1 - The 'Lead artist(s)/Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)/Performing group' is used for the main artist(s). They are separated with the "/" character.

Artist Webpage

WOAR - The 'Official artist/performer webpage' frame is a URL pointing at the artists official webpage. There may be more than one "WOAR" frame in a tag if the audio contains more than one performer, but not with the same content.

Audio File Webpage

WOAF - The 'Official audio file webpage' frame is a URL pointing at a file specific webpage.

Audio Source Webpage

WOAS - The 'Official audio source webpage' frame is a URL pointing at the official webpage for the source of the audio file, e.g. a movie.


TBPM - The 'BPM' frame contains the number of beats per minute in the mainpart of the audio. The BPM is an integer and represented as a numerical string.


TPE2 - The 'Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment' frame is used for additional information about the performers in the recording.


Bitrate the clip was digitized with.

CD identifier

MCDI - This frame is intended for music that comes from a CD, so that the CD can be identified in databases such as the CDDB. The frame consists of a binary dump of the Table Of Contents, TOC, from the CD, which is a header of 4 bytes and then 8 bytes/track on the CD plus 8 bytes for the 'lead out' making a maximum of 804 bytes. The offset to the beginning of every track on the CD should be described with a four bytes absolute CD-frame address per track, and not with absolute time. This frame requires a present and valid "TRCK" frame, even if the CD's only got one track. There may only be one "MCDI" frame in each tag.


COMM - This frame is intended for any kind of full text information that does not fit in any other frame. It consists of a frame header followed by encoding, language and content descriptors and is ended with the actual comment as a text string. Newline characters are allowed in the comment text string. There may be more than one comment frame in each tag, but only one with the same language and content descriptor.


COMR - This frame enables several competing offers in the same tag by bundling all needed information. That makes this frame rather complex but it's an easier solution than if one tries to achieve the same result with several frames. The frame begins, after the frame ID, size and encoding fields, with a price string field. A price is constructed by one three character currency code, encoded according to ISO-4217 alphabetic currency code, followed by a numerical value where "." is used as decimal separator. In the price string several prices may be concatenated, separated by a "/" character, but there may only be one currency of each type.

Commercial Information

WCOM - The 'Commercial information' frame is a URL pointing at a webpage with information such as where the album can be bought. There may be more than one "WCOM" frame in a tag, but not with the same content.


TCOM - The 'Composer(s)' frame is intended for the name of the composer(s). They are separated with the "/" character.


TPE3 - The 'Conductor' frame is used for the name of the conductor.

Content Groupset

TIT1 - The 'Content group description' frame is used if the sound belongs to a larger category of sounds/music. For example, classical music is often sorted in different musical sections (e.g. "Piano Concerto", "Weather - Hurricane").


If set, clip is copyright protected

Copyright Text

TCOP - The 'Copyright message' frame, which must begin with a year and a space character (making five characters), is intended for the copyright holder of the original sound, not the audio file itself. The absence of this frame means only that the copyright information is unavailable or has been removed, and must not be interpreted to mean that the sound is public domain. Every time this field is displayed the field must be preceded with "Copyright © ".

WCOP - The 'Copyright/Legal information' frame is a URL pointing at a webpage where the terms of use and ownership of the file is described.


TDAT - The 'Date' frame is a numeric string in the DDMM format containing the date for the recording. This field is always four characters long.


Clip duration in seconds


MPEG Emphasis settings. Possible values are:
  • 0-NONE

  • 1-5015MS


  • 3-CCITT

Encapsulated Object

GEOB - In this frame any type of file can be encapsulated. After the header, 'Frame size' and 'Encoding' follows 'MIME type' represented as as a terminated string encoded with ISO-8859-1. The filename is case sensitive and is encoded as 'Encoding'. Then follows a content description as terminated string, encoded as 'Encoding'. The last thing in the frame is the actual object. The first two strings may be omitted, leaving only their terminations. There may be more than one "GEOB" frame in each tag, but only one with the same content descriptor.

Encoded by

TENC - The 'Encoded by' frame contains the name of the person or organization that encoded the audio file. This field may contain a copyright message, if the audio file also is copyrighted by the encoder.

AENC - This frame indicates if the actual audio stream is encrypted, and by whom.

Encryption Method Registration

ENCR - To identify with which method a frame has been encrypted the encryption method must be registered in the tag with this frame. The 'Owner identifier' is a null-terminated string with a URL containing an email address, or a link to a location where an email address can be found, that belongs to the organization responsible for this specific encryption method.



Event Timing Codes


File Owner

TOWN - The 'File owner/licensee' frame contains the name of the owner or licensee of the file and it's contents.

File Path

Path ( including name ) of the media file.

File Type

TFLT - The 'File type' frame indicates which type of audio this tag defines. The following type and refinements are defined:
  • MPG MPEG Audio

    • /1 MPEG 1/2 layer I

    • /2 MPEG 1/2 layer II

    • /3 MPEG 1/2 layer III

    • /2.5 MPEG 2.5

    • /AAC Advanced audio compression

  • VQF Transform-domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization

  • PCM Pulse Code Modulated audio

If this frame is not present audio type is assumed to be "MPG".


Name of the media file.


TSIZ - The 'Size' frame contains the size of the audiofile in bytes, excluding the ID3v2 tag, represented as a numeric string.


TCON - The 'Content type', which previously was stored as a one byte numeric value only, is now a numeric string. You may use one or several of the types as ID3v1.1 did or, since the category list would be impossible to maintain with accurate and up to date categories, define your own.

References to the ID3v1 genres can be made by, as first byte, enter "(" followed by a number from the genres list (appendix A) and ended with a ")" character. This is optionally followed by a refinement, e.g. "(21)" or "(4)Eurodisco". Several references can be made in the same frame, e.g. "(51)(39)". If the refinement should begin with a "(" character it should be replaced with "((", e.g. "((I can figure out any genre)" or "(55)((I think...)". The following new content types is defined in ID3v2 and is implemented in the same way as the numeric content types, e.g. "(RX)".

  • RX Remix

  • CR Cover

Group Identification Registration

GRID - This frame enables grouping of otherwise unrelated frames. This can be used when some frames are to be signed. To identify which frames belongs to a set of frames a group identifier must be registered in the tag with this frame.


If set, clip has id3 v1 tags


If set, clip has id3 v2 tags


TSRC - The 'ISRC' frame should contain the International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) (12 characters).

Initial Key

TKEY - The 'Initial key' frame contains the musical key in which the sound starts. It is represented as a string with a maximum length of three characters. The ground keys are represented with "A","B","C","D","E", "F" and "G" and halfkeys represented with "b" and "#". Minor is represented as "m". Example "Cbm". Off key is represented with an "o" only.

Internet Radio Station Name

TRSN - The 'Internet radio station name' frame contains the name of the internet radio station from which the audio is streamed.

Internet Radio Station Owner

TRSO - The 'Internet radio station owner' frame contains the name of the owner of the internet radio station from which the audio is streamed.

Internet Radio Station Webpage

WORS - The 'Official internet radio station homepage' contains a URL pointing at the homepage of the internet radio station.


TLAN - The 'Language(s)' frame should contain the languages of the text or lyrics spoken or sung in the audio. The language is represented with three characters according to ISO-639-2. If more than one language is used in the text their language codes should follow according to their usage.

Last Modified

The date the media file was last modified.


Describes teh MPEG layer the media file is encoded with.

Length In Tag

TLEN - The 'Length' frame contains the length of the audiofile in milliseconds, represented as a numeric string.

Lookup Table

MLLT - To increase performance and accuracy of jumps within a MPEG audio file, frames with time codes in different locations in the file might be useful. The ID3v2 frame includes references that the software can use to calculate positions in the file.


TEXT - The 'Lyricist(s)/Text writer(s)' frame is intended for the writer(s) of the text or lyrics in the recording. They are separated with the "/" character.

MPEG Level

Describes the MPEG level the media file is encoded with.

Media Type

TMED - The 'Media type' frame describes from which media the sound originated. This may be a text string or a reference to the predefined media types found in the list below. References are made within "(" and ")" and are optionally followed by a text refinement, e.g. "(MC) with four channels". If a text refinement should begin with a "(" character it should be replaced with "((" in the same way as in the "TCO" frame. Predefined refinements is appended after the media type, e.g. "(CD/A)" or "(VID/PAL/VHS)".
  • DIG Other digital media

  • ANA Other analog media

  • CD CD

    • /DD DDD

    • /AD ADD

    • /AA AAD

  • LD Laserdisc

  • TT Turntable records

  • MD MiniDisc




  • TV Television

  • VID Video

  • RAD Radio

  • TEL Telephone

  • MC MC


Describes the MPEG mode the file is encoded with. Possible values are:
  • 0-Stereo

  • 1-Joint Stereo

  • 2-Dual Channel

  • 3-Mono


If set, the original flag is set in the media file.

Original Artist

TOPE - The 'Original artist(s)/performer(s)' frame is intended for the performer(s) of the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song. The performers are seperated with the "/" character.

Original Filename

TOFN - The 'Original filename' frame contains the preferred filename for the file, since some media doesn't allow the desired length of the filename. The filename is case sensitive and includes its suffix.

Original Lyricist

TOLY - The 'Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)' frame is intended for the text writer(s) of the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song. The text writers are seperated with the "/" character.

Original Title

TOAL - The 'Original album/movie/show title' frame is intended for the title of the original recording (or source of sound), if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song.

Original Year

TORY - The 'Original release year' frame is intended for the year when the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song, was released. The field is formatted as in the "TYER" frame.


OWNE - The ownership frame might be used as a reminder of a made transaction or, if signed, as proof. Note that the "USER" and "TOWN" frames are good to use in conjunction with this one. The frame begins, after the frame ID, size and encoding fields, with a 'price payed' field. The first three characters of this field contains the currency used for the transaction, encoded according to ISO-4217 alphabetic currency code. Concatenated to this is the actual price payed, as a numerical string using "." as the decimal separator. Next is an 8 character date string (YYYYMMDD) followed by a string with the name of the seller as the last field in the frame. There may only be one "OWNE" frame in a tag.



Part Of Set

TPOS - The 'Part of a set' frame is a numeric string that describes which part of a set the audio came from. This frame is used if the source described in the "TALB" frame is divided into several mediums, e.g. a double CD. The value may be extended with a "/" character and a numeric string containing the total number of parts in the set. e.g. "1/2".

Payment Webpage

WPAY - The 'Payment' frame is a URL pointing at a webpage that will handle the process of paying for this file.


APIC - This frame contains a picture directly related to the audio file. Image format is the MIME type and subtype for the image. In the event that the MIME media type name is omitted, "image/" will be implied. The "image/png" or "image/jpeg" picture format should be used when interoperability is wanted. Description is a short description of the picture, represented as a terminated textstring.

Play Counter

PCNT - This is simply a counter of the number of times a file has been played. The value is increased by one every time the file begins to play. There may only be one "PCNT" frame in each tag. When the counter reaches all one's, one byte is inserted in front of the counter thus making the counter eight bits bigger. The counter must be at least 32-bits long to begin with.

Playlist Delay

TDLY - The 'Playlist delay' defines the numbers of milliseconds of silence between every song in a playlist. The player should use the "ETC" frame, if present, to skip initial silence and silence at the end of the audio to match the 'Playlist delay' time. The time is represented as a numeric string.


POPM - The purpose of this frame is to specify how good an audio file is. Many interesting applications could be found to this frame such as a playlist that features better audiofiles more often than others or it could be used to profile a person's taste and find other 'good' files by comparing people's profiles. The frame is very simple. It contains the email address to the user, one rating byte and a four byte play counter, intended to be increased with one for every time the file is played. The email is a terminated string. The rating is 1-255 where 1 is worst and 255 is best. 0 is unknown. If no personal counter is wanted it may be omitted. When the counter reaches all one's, one byte is inserted in front of the counter thus making the counter eight bits bigger in the same away as the play counter ("PCNT"). There may be more than one "POPM" frame in each tag, but only one with the same email address.

Position Synchronization

POSS - This frame delivers information to the listener of how far into the audio stream he picked up; in effect, it states the time offset of the first frame in the stream.


PRIV - This frame is used to contain information from a software producer that its program uses and does not fit into the other frames. The frame consists of an 'Owner identifier' string and the binary data. The 'Owner identifier' is a null-terminated string with a URL containing an email address, or a link to a location where an email address can be found, that belongs to the organization responsible for the frame. Questions regarding the frame should be sent to the indicated email address. The tag may contain more than one "PRIV" frame but only with different contents. It is recommended to keep the number of "PRIV" frames as low as possible.




If set, protection bit is set in the media file.


TPUB - The 'Publisher' frame simply contains the name of the label or publisher.

Publishers Webpage

WPUB - The 'Publishers official webpage' frame is a URL pointing at the official wepage for the publisher.

Recommended Buffer Size

Sometimes the server from which a audio file is streamed is aware of transmission or coding problems resulting in interruptions in the audio stream. In these cases, the size of the buffer can be recommended by the server using this frame.

Recording Dates

TRDA - The 'Recording dates' frame is a intended to be used as complement to the "TYER", "TDAT" and "TIME" frames. E.g. "4th-7th June, 12th June" in combination with the "TYER" frame.

Relative Volume Adjustment

RVAD - This is a more subjective function than the previous ones. It allows the user to say how much he wants to increase/decrease the volume on each channel while the file is played. The purpose is to be able to align all files to a reference volume, so that you don't have to change the volume constantly. This frame may also be used to balance adjust the audio. If the volume peak levels are known then this could be described with the 'Peak volume right' and 'Peak volume left' field.


TPE4 - The 'Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by' frame contains more information about the people behind a remix and similar interpretations of another existing piece.


RVRB - Yet another subjective one. You may here adjust echoes of different kinds. Reverb left/right is the delay between every bounce in ms. Reverb bounces left/right is the number of bounces that should be made.


TIT3 - The 'Subtitle/Description refinement' frame is used for information directly related to the contents title (e.g. "Op. 16" or "Performed live at Wembley").

Synchronize d Lyrics

SYLT - This is another way of incorporating the words, said or sung lyrics, in the audio file as text, this time, however, in sync with the audio. It might also be used to describing events e.g. occurring on a stage or on the screen in sync with the audio.

Synchronize d Tempo Codes

SYTC - For a more accurate description of the tempo of a musical piece this frame might be used.

Terms Of Use

USER - This frame contains a brief description of the terms of use and ownership of the file. More detailed information concerning the legal terms might be available through the "WCOP" frame. Newlines are allowed in the text.


TIME - The 'Time' frame is a numeric string in the HHMM format containing the time for the recording. This field is always four characters long.


TIT2 - The 'Title/Songname/Content description' frame is the actual name of the piece (e.g. "Adagio", "Hurricane Donna").


TRCK - The 'Track number/Position in set' frame is a numeric string containing the order number of the audio-file on its original recording. This may be extended with a "/" character and a numeric string containing the total number of tracks/elements on the original recording. E.g. "4/9".

Unique File Identifier

??? - This frame's purpose is to be able to identify the audio file in a database that may contain more information relevant to the content. Since standardization of such a database is beyond this document, all frames begin with a null-terminated string with a URL containing an email address, or a link to a location where an email address can be found, that belongs to the organization responsible for this specific database implementation.

Un synchronize d Lyrics

??? - This frame contains the lyrics of the song or a text transcription of other vocal activities. The head includes an encoding descriptor and a content descriptor. The body consists of the actual text. The 'Content descriptor' is a terminated string. If no descriptor is entered, 'Content descriptor' is $00 (00) only. Newline characters are allowed in the text. There may be more than one 'Unsynchronized lyrics/text transcription' frame in each tag, but only one with the same language and content descriptor.


If set, a checksum is used for the id3v2.3 tags.

Use Compression

If set, compression is used for the id3v2.3 tags.

Use Padding

If set, clip uses padding when writing id3v2.3 tags.

Use Unsynchronization

If set, unsynchronization is used.


The only purpose of the 'unsynchronisation scheme' is to make the ID3v2 tag as compatible as possible with existing software. There is no use in 'unsynchronising' tags if the file is only to be processed by new software. Unsynchronisation may only be made with MPEG 2 layer I, II and III and MPEG 2.5 files.

User Defined Text


User Defined URL



If set, clip is encoded with variable bitrate

Write ID3

If set, id3v1 tags are written when updating the clips meta data

Write ID3v2

If set, id3v2.3 tags are written when updating the clips meta data


TYER - The 'Year' frame is a numeric string with a year of the recording. This frames is always four characters long (until the year 10000).